In this episode, Adam and Carlton are joined by their very first pseudonymous guest, “Pine Baron,” a self-made investor in real estate, equities, and private business. Pine Baron talks about poker as a stand-in for traditional career experience, authenticity online, and how Wealth Pin fits into all of that.
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Adam Vazquez 0:06
Well, Call-ton it’s finally happened. Also I apologize. Carlton. I’ve never miss spoken your name before. Call-ton is like, I don’t know, maybe somebody from Boston or something. Anyway, it’s finally happened. The future is here. If you’ve listened to this episode, we’ve always been pro to vol, pro-Balaji, pro all these tech progressive people. And one of the things they share is this idea that eventually all of us will be working pseudonymously. Did I say that one correctly?
Carlton Riffel 0:36
You did. You got it right this time.
Adam Vazquez 0:38
I didn’t get it in the interview. But today’s guest is a pseudonymous person, and that is @SpiritofPines on Twitter. He goes by “the Pine Baron.” Maybe, as always, give us a quick recap of what you understood of Pine Baron from the interview.
Carlton Riffel 0:56
Well, so so this is a problem. I messed it up so bad last week that I’m actually gonna throw it back on you to see how you do it and just learn from the pro.
Adam Vazquez 1:03
You want me to describe him? You want me to pitch it him?
Carlton Riffel 1:04
Yeah. Tell me about Pine Baron, Adam.
Adam Vazquez 1:07
So Pine Baron is the person that if you are a marketer, and entrepreneur, a content creator of any kind, you’re beginning to just get a little bit of traction in your business and you’re unsure of where to stow your treasures. Maybe you’ve been reading a little bit about Bitcoin, maybe you have some type of inheritance. That’s a windfall that’s coming to you. You see what’s going on with inflation, and you’re unsure what to do. You go to Pine Baron, you go to (Pine Baron’s website), and you can learn a little bit about kind of what’s going on the market, how SMB owners specifically should be thinking about investing. And then if you want to take the leap, you can join his private mastermind community or whatever, and get access to the thoughts of other people who are like you. So I think that’s his offering. But he himself is so much more complex. He’s this really interesting character who lives in the mountains. He’s a marketing guru. He’s now an investing person. He’s done a bunch of real estate. So you can’t put the Pine Baron in a box is what I’m trying to tell you, Carlton. He’s a lot of things.
Carlton Riffel 2:13
Well done, Adam. Well done. I’ll have to study that later and make sure I’m on the dot next week.
Yeah, that’s great, man. This synonymous aspect of his character is really interesting, because I think we’ve talked about this before on the show. But it basically gives you the opportunity to be more open and free with what you talk about without having like a personal repercussion. And so a lot of people that have talked about the future, in this kind of context, we’ve talked about everyone having kind of these avatars or operating in a pseudonymous way, and being able to be more open and free with what they talk about. And then having these things kind of decentralized from your actual identity. The other side of the spectrum says no identity is going to become more important because trust is going to write in a central role. So that’s kind of where this like whole idea of authenticating and making sure it’s the real thing, or the legitimate being or whatever entity behind the content that’s coming out is important. So super interesting, just as a concept, I know you guys don’t talk about that a ton.
Adam Vazquez 3:22
I still don’t know where I fall personally, because part of me was hoping he was going to convince me to start brands synonymously in the future, I think there’s definitely an appeal to it in the sense that you can start a new brand you can, you can do things that maybe, for instance, you can talk about subjects where maybe you have a high level of interest, where you’re not necessarily a subject matter expert yet, but you would earn some of that expertise as you share. That’s one thing that I think is an advantage. But at the same time, so much like for us specifically, he started in services, like we do, and so much of our business comes because someone knows one of us and they know us on a personal level. And so you’re obviously excluding that inflow of business when you go pseudonymously, because you don’t really want people to know who you are. On the flip side, we talked about this a little bit towards the end, the community that they’ve created seems to be extremely valuable and transparent to the people who are in it. And I think a lot of that is because he’s not the only one who synonymous and so people feel a level of vulnerability and of safety or the ability to be vulnerable and safe at the same time. And I think that’s something that is a little bit lacking today. We craft and we like curate so precisely who we are online, that that’s a rarity. So I do think it has a lot of advantages in that way, but it’s a completely different episode. I have a different idea from what we normally talk about. Hopefully I think people enjoy it.
Carlton Riffel 5:05
Awesome. Let’s jump into it.
Intro 5:10
Put that content down. Content. The close is over. What’s your name? Content. That’s my name. You know why, mister? Because you drove a Hyundai to get here tonight. I drove an $80,000 BMW. That’s my name. Content Is for Closers.
Adam Vazquez 5:32
All right. Welcome back in. We’ve got a very special guest. Our very first— How do you say it, Baron? Is it pseudonymous? Pseudonymous. I don’t know how to say that.
Pine Baron 5:43
Adam Vazquez 5:44
…pseudonymous guest here on Content Is for Closers, @SpiritofPines on Twitter. He’s known and beloved as the Pine Baron in some circles, but thank you for joining the show.
Pine Baron 5:57
Thanks for having me, Adam.
Adam Vazquez 5:58
So we obviously I followed you for a while I think a lot of people who maybe are familiar with you have probably heard or aware of the interview did on the Michael girly show. And we’ll link that of course, he did a great job of providing a lot of the background on you and the way that you came up. So I don’t want to rehash just like, give us the 90 seconds on who you are. But I think maybe a more interesting question would be, you recently tweeted out that you could have named yourself “the marketing Baron,” you could have named yourself “the investing Baron,” etc. But you chose Pine Baron, and you had a specific reason for that. What was the background of that choice?
Pine Baron 6:39
Yeah, it’s a good question. And this is maybe like a lot of good content, a lot of my best content. It’s a little subconscious at first, but then just looking back at my thought process. So the pie Baron thing is not just a stick, I live in the rural mountains. I love hiking and skiing and kayaking on alpine lakes. So for me, my— And I love business, I love marketing, I love investing. But I think it’s very dangerous for that to be its own reward. I’m in my 30s now, and making money is a good drive in your 20s. But making money for its own sake, doing business for its own sake. I think you get old fast. So I really tried to think about why am I investing? Why am I starting businesses. And for me, a big part of that was, was living my best life in the mountains. So that’s why instead of making my brand around investing or creating content, I need it around mountain living. Because that’s why I’m working hard. So I can live a great life in the mountains, raise a family in the mountains. That’s my why for why I work so hard.
Adam Vazquez 7:56
As awesome. And I think there are so many places ways we can go. And I think we will get to this conversation. But obviously, there’s the investing piece, which I want to talk about to the fullest. And that’s what allows you to have control over that choice, right, like a lot of people who just have to have jobs, they can’t decide that they want to live in remotely or in a mountain place or whatever, but you’re able to do that. I am curious, do you think from a creator perspective, do you think that although it might be in retrospect, or looking back, that choice of combining this mountain persona, while talking about investing, or previously marketing or whatever, you think that’s what helps you break through to so many people because it’s such a unique combination?
Pine Baron 8:45
Well, yes, but it has to be authentic, right? And people know, it’s authentic because I post videos, ride my dirt bike or hike animal amongst the pine trees. So it’s to me it’s very important to me, I can create content around it authentically. So I would tell people don’t create a stick that you can’t really back up, don’t say you’re like the beach bomb investor. If you’re not spending a lot of time on the beach and I’m at now you guys I respect beach guys. That’d probably be a fun account, the beach bum investor, but you really gotta be spent a lot of time on the beach and I have a lot of good content around that. So yeah, definitely good to have something additional to marry your business content to but you got to be able to back it up.
Adam Vazquez 9:35
Yeah, I used to live in Chattanooga, Tennessee, and I worked for a while in Calgary, Alberta. And so two different kinds of mountains. Some people would say the Chattanooga, Tennessee mountains aren’t mountains. I think they are, but that is a unique and beautiful lifestyle. And I miss it a lot. Lots to do. Always something to get after, so I’m jealous that you’ve carved that out.
Pine Baron 10:03
Yeah, I appreciate you saying that I do love the Smoky Mountains, by the way, I have a chip their plan for next year. So I’m not a purist or a snob.
Adam Vazquez 10:14
Yeah, that’s great. So you even in our little pre-recording discussion, you kind of mentioned how you’ve had an evolution over your career, and you were doing more marketing stuff you’ve always been doing in different investing stuff. And real estate is somewhere in that mix. But without rehashing all of it, I think you have such a unique background, and one that is, I’d say, not traditional. You had this little segment or this little bit about poker as experience or as a stand-in for traditional career experience. Can you talk a little bit about that? And how has that impacted your ability to adapt into all these different career shifts over the last four years?
Pine Baron 11:01
Yeah, so again, like a lot of things, I can only take so much credit, this is backward looking at decisions I made when I was young or circumstances that just the universe presented it to me. I come from a suburb. Nothing crazy but I had a difficult time. When I was younger, I ended up not going to traditional college route or anything, I had to basically leave home at 18 and hit the workforce right away. But I was always really interested in being entrepreneurial and DNS self-made being my own boss. And at the time poker was really hot. Yeah, Casino Royale that the great James Bond movie. Internet poker was was was red hot, it was unfortunately about to be made illegal. But I just it completely captivated me the romance of it. The ability to make money just as your own man, just with your wits. So I played poker pretty seriously as a young man. I was technically a professional poker player because it’s how I paid my rent for a while. But it certainly wasn’t the romance of James Bond doing it on a yacht. Yeah, I was I was playing low-stakes poker games with Taurus. But I did love it in its own way, even though it didn’t live up to romance to the movies. And it’s, it’s a really powerful for good and bad, a really powerful teaching tool.
Adam Vazquez 12:36
What do you say that? Because there’s so you are one of three people that I know that started or maybe not started their career but dabbled, let’s say in online poker back when it was legal. And all of them are now I don’t know who you actually but all the other two that I know are like extremely successful. So what is it that you learned from poker? Or why is there a trendline there, do you think?
Pine Baron 13:09
Yeah, well, I would definitely call myself at the risk of sounding arrogant. I definitely call myself successful just as a self-made businessman, built a multimillion-dollar real estate portfolio from scratch. So it took a while. I did a lot of dumb things. And I really struggled in my young 20s. But yeah, you definitely call me successful by those perspectives.
One key thing is, I didn’t play that much internet poker. I played mainly live casino poker, which I think has some additional benefits to it. For other applications, if you’re just trying to make money as a poker player, online poker is great, or at least it was when it was legal. Because you can play eight different tables at once. You can analyze data on a very granular level. But if you want to kind of apply those poker skills to other parts of life and business, I think there’s something very valuable about playing in person having to look people in the eyes. But yeah, if I wanted to be more specific about it, poker is like an immediate feedback mechanism. So you make a decision, and within minutes, that decision has either cost you or made you money. So it’s very ruthless. It’s very unforgiving in that way. But generally speaking, right away, whether it was a good or a bad decision. Of course, you can have stretches where you’re lucky or unlucky by it. It’s very hard to have any illusions about yourself about your skills when you’re playing poker. Because you can call yourself the best player in the world, you can think you’re really good, but if the money is not heading your direction, something’s wrong. So it’s just that very visceral, very immediate feedback mechanism.
Adam Vazquez 15:06
Yeah, it reminds me a lot of really the being a creator online or publishing online because there’s just a constantly analytics and statistics that are usually public, and that show whether you can back up what it is that you say you do. And so similarly, as you said, you have a move, and you get a feedback loop. And it’s either successful or it’s not, in the moment, obviously, that kind of triggered off what you’re doing. Now, over a course of time, which is investing in leading investment company on the behalf of others, we have a pretty wide variety of people who listen to this show, but a lot of them are in the marketing space, to me, content creators, and then there’s a good group of entrepreneurs. And a lot of them are in the weeds, building their company, building their business, building their brand, whatever it might be, and maybe haven’t spent the time that they should be investing outside of maybe taking a flyer on crypto or something like that over the last couple of years. I don’t know that. I’m just guessing. First of all, tell us about your company. Tell us what you all do. And just tell us how we should be thinking about investing in your opinion, of course, isn’t an investment myself.
Pine Baron 16:16
Yeah. So like I said, I don’t have a bachelor’s degree, I didn’t do the official college experience. So really, the way I learned about the markets and investing is getting jobs as a marketer, as a salesperson in various investing companies. So I’m completely self-taught. Some people view that as a negative, some people view it as a positive. But it was a really good way to learn it. Because I would basically talk to these investment experts, learn their strategy, learn what they were pitching. And then I had to communicate that in ways that were both simple and compelling to potential customers. It was good work and I ended up being a good fit for me. But I think part of why it was a good fit for me, is I genuinely love the subject matter, which I think you have to do to be a good marketer to be a good salesperson. So I would just spend so much time digging into these strategies, digging into these experts, their background, and then it kind of forces you to learn it. Well, like yeah, if you’re gonna sell something at scale, I think you need to understand it really deeply. So that’s kind of my background. That’s how I learned it wasn’t, wasn’t getting a Wharton MBA, or doing a finance degree. It was wondering how to sell it.
Adam Vazquez 17:39
Yeah, so you learn the story of it. And then as you were whatever, by osmosis, taking in that story and regurgitating it, you actually learn the strategy behind it. So then, take us up to today, Wealth Pin and what you all are doing there.
Pine Baron 17:57
Yeah, thanks for setting me up for a plug, Adam. So I still do some client work with other companies helping them market their investment products or materials. But yes, slowly, me and my business partner started building our own website, we’ve done this for other people for so many years. And we’d like to think we kind of have a sense of what works and what doesn’t work. So we’re building an email newsletter and a website with our own content around investing. And it’s really exciting to do something for yourself, it’s a little humbling when our clients, have orders of magnitude bigger audiences and products, but it’s very rewarding, even when it’s at a smaller scale to do it for yourself.
Adam Vazquez 18:44
What was that process like? Because I’ve been in services in an agency world, most of my career, five years ago, left being traditionally employed and became self-employed with heard. And it’s been an evolution. And honestly, it’s still been a challenge to speak on behalf of our own brand, and to generate new thought on behalf of, as opposed to representing or extending the voice of an existing brand. How’s that tension been for you, going from what you were doing to now what you’re doing with Wealth Pin?
Pine Baron 19:23
Yeah, it’s definitely a juggling act, though. I’ve been juggling for a couple of years now. So yeah, the tension is definitely there. I think maybe a lot of entrepreneurs, it sounds like even yourself, go through this lifecycle where we work a W2 job. And then we get an idea of how to go off on our own, but then it’s still kind of like a service-based thing. So it’s like, yeah, I worked for a big company doing invest in marketing. And then I left to start my own company, but still doing invest in marketing as a service. So it wasn’t like full-blown going off selling my own product. It was somewhat similar work? But I was more in control of it. But I wasn’t as completely in control of it. So it’s more of yet maybe a transition. I’m trying to think of the right words for you guys.
Adam Vazquez 20:16
Yeah, it’s doing. It’s not like you’re innovating or creating a new product and bring it to market you’re doing for me anyway, I’m doing very similar work. I just the there’s no employer that’s enabling me to do that work. It’s I’m diversifying the risk of who employs me to do that work, but it’s not full-on selling products out to the market.
Pine Baron 20:43
Yeah, exactly. We ended up kind of doing some of that for clients anyway. And I found that really rewarding. I love product development. It’s almost like starting a new business, which I like, so then it’s like, well, we’ve done this successfully a couple of times for clients, let’s think about doing it for ourselves. And that’s been pretty exciting. I still do the client work. I have a few clients I really like. So I may keep that up for a while. But it’s my goal is honestly, to eliminate client work, but just to be able to work with the clients that I really think it’s a good collaboration.
Adam Vazquez 21:24
Sure. You mentioned your business partner. How difficult is it for him to not know who you are pasture pseudonym “Pine Baron?”
Pine Baron 21:34
My business partner and I do know who we are.
Adam Vazquez 21:37
So the veil has been lifted. So aside from Wealth Pin, you do your own real estate investing as well. I think you were doing that before you went— Well, I don’t know. Which came first? Your online persona or some of those real estate deals? And how has creating online impacted your work in real life, if at all?
Pine Baron 22:06
Yeah, the real estate kind of came first, I had like a modest online presence. One thing I learned doing marketing in the investment world: some of these guys I was marketing, on behalf of, were really brilliant, amazing track records. But some of them were just kind of company guys who hadn’t actually achieved that much in the real world. That always bothered me. So it’s like, I wouldn’t have felt comfortable a few years ago writing and researching and publishing stuff on investing because I haven’t done that much. It’s definitely important to me to like, alright, I’ve made some money in the stock market. I need some money in real estate, crypto, it’s definitely important for me to have that component to it. The infamous thing about people online just selling ebooks about how to sell ebooks. Yeah, of course. Yeah, I think you need some substance to it. And I didn’t really start getting a following on social media. I think fairly until I was doing some interesting things (growing my business, growing my investment portfolio). My social media following definitely came after I started having some personal investment success.
Adam Vazquez 23:29
Got it. And I’ve heard you, or read you. I’ve read you? I don’t know. I’ve read where you’ve written before. That I think you said something to the effect that every you enjoy podcasts because they let you list. They let you listen to rich people lie to you in a variety of ways. I’m just curious, what lies you think you and I are telling today on this podcast to the people that we’re talking to?
Pine Baron 23:57
Yeah, well, I wasn’t talking about— certainly, I hope I’m not talking about myself or people like you, Adam or a lot of people on social media. I was thinking about your really big CNBC tie talking heads.
Adam Vazquez 24:15
I think it’s an interesting thing because I’m not gonna say names, but there are really good shows that I really enjoy and that I liked the people I know them or have engaged with them. And there seems to be this understated agreement that if you’re doing it for content, it’s okay if it’s not true, and I don’t fully subscribe to that. Maybe I’m putting words in your mouth. That’s what I thought maybe you were getting out a little bit. And I was just curious how you think through that in your own content or what you think of that agenda a little bit?
Pine Baron 24:55
Well, with my background and investment marketing, it’s heavily radio They did. So it’s just been beaten into me that and I think people would actually be surprised how honest I really am, like, even in my content stuff that maybe doesn’t have to be so tightly regulated. But it’s just for so many years, I’ve been working in a space where everything has to be reviewable by lawyers, everything has to have supporting information. So that’s just like how I communicate now. And I think it’s a good thing. I take great pains to— and I’m not saying I never make a mistake or get Rambo wrong with a typo. But I work really hard to like, be very careful that everything I say is accurate. And that’s just like I said, been beaten into me by my work. So I’m really careful about that with that tweet, obviously, I’m trying to be a little funny. But I said, rich people lie. I think I was probably thinking more of how the years the investing phrase, people talk their book if they’re invested in something, they really want to make it sound awesome and promoted. I have no problem with that. That’s just people pumping their bag.
Adam Vazquez 26:11
But your point is to do it transparently, maybe?
Pine Baron 26:15
Exactly. And that’s why it’s like— Sometimes people get annoyed and be when I pitched my newsletter or whatever on my social media feed. No one’s on social media— or very few people, I think, are on social media just to be. Everyone is selling something. Now, it may be a worldview, it may be an ideology, it may be trying to get dates. Everyone is pitching something. So like you said, Adam, I think it’s better for it to just be out in the open.
Adam Vazquez 26:49
Yeah, yeah, totally agree. Especially, I would say anyone who’s creating any volume at all, is there for or if you’re not, then you’re crazy. There’s some more efficient way to get whatever it is you’re looking for. So yeah, anyone who’s creating volume is trying to pull something out of it. Just curious, as we’re kind of hearing about all the different things you’re doing, you’ve got million sticks in the fire? What has your attention in terms of content or even investing any trends that are specifically shiny to you, or anything that you’re just particularly excited about right now?
Pine Baron 27:29
Well, obviously, we’re in a pretty rough market right now. And, and I think most people, myself included, expect it to get worse. So yeah, there’s another thing where my background has been valuable is I’ve really learned what I like is not necessarily that important. It’s all about what do the readers like? What do your customers like? So it seems like there’s a lot of demand right now—and I think wisely so—for recessionary investment is bear market investments. So that’s, that’s very much where my head is, and like I said, being a person myself, now, as some significant investments, I can speak to that more honestly. Now when I was, when I first it’s pretty funny when I first started in investment marketing, I didn’t have any money invested. So it’s hard for me to, like really understand on a deep level, like, what, what customers might want, but now I kind of understand it’s like, I have a significant portfolio, it’s really important to me to protect it, I think that’s what a lot of people are interested in. And then there’s this additional wrinkle now, that so-called uncorrelated assets, like precious metals, or crypto are also doing really poorly. So kind of before the market started to turn, that was a lot of the bets people were making. So now it’s like, Alright, those obvious bets didn’t work out. What do we do now? And then that’s where my head is.
Adam Vazquez 29:03
Cool. And so if someone is interested in following up with your or understanding more of your insight on this, what kinds of things can they expect? Is Wealth Pin and actual investment advisor? Or are you a content engine for them to educate them on the market? How should they approach that?
Pine Baron 29:22
Yeah. Well, I want—to your point earlier in their regulations—I want to make it very clear. We’re not a registered investment advisor. We’re not tax attorney. We don’t do taxes. We’re not lawyers. It’s purely a content media site right now. So yeah, we just publish our ideas. We have a paid mastermind group with investors and entrepreneurs, which I’m really proud of. It’s a really cool community. Just cracked 100 members and just yeah, really cool, high-level talk about building your wealth, whether it’s through a business or investing, but yeah, it’s all Content media we’re not. We’re not wealth managers, we don’t take money, even in our real estate portfolio. So far, it’s just me and my business partner, we haven’t taken on additional investors. We may do that in the future now we’ve got a little bit of a track record. But there’s something nice about just being on the publishing content side, where you can just really be blunt and honest. We’re not taking kickbacks from anyone we’re not, we’re not worried about a lot of the fussy regulations, you have to deal with your wealth manager. So, yeah, we can just be really direct and honest, like, here’s what we like, here’s what we don’t like.
Adam Vazquez 30:43
Yeah, you brought up the community. It’s really interesting. So how, first of all, I assume, are a lot of those folks, do they come from knowing you on online or on Twitter? Or how are you? Are you doing acquisition for that?
Pine Baron 30:58
So far it’s all been through Twitter. Yeah. I’m a strong believer in the notion that never start a business unless people are begging you to do it. So, but yeah, when my social media Sargun a bit of a following, and we were getting into some really cool conversations and that some like-minded people, we thought it’d be nice to have a private community beyond social media where we can hang out. So it’s grown very organically, purely through inbound social media, now that it’s kind of turned into more of a real thing. We may look at doing some paid media acquisitions, but so far, yeah, just organic and bounce social growth.
Adam Vazquez 31:40
Yeah, 100 people is legit. My co-host on here, Carlton and I are always talking about how digital numbers get so huge or so watered down, because you don’t think of these people as individuals, but 100 people is a very full movie theater, or maybe even more than that, full of people who are there to converse and talk about a given subject. So I think that’s really cool that you all have built that any any specific lessons that you’ve learned managing a community, because that’s even another skill or business outside of all the other things that you’ve done so far.
Pine Baron 32:20
Yeah, good question. Like I said, it’s developed very organically, I’d say my biggest takeaway, this is not me blowing smoke, it’s just, it’s not that much about me. Once we got past 20, 30, people, it really it lives or dies by the strength of the community. And just maybe if I had to give myself any credit for it, it’s by finding cool, interesting people on social media. We’ve just built it with a really cool group of people. But yeah, at this point, it’s like it has so little to do with BMI content. I really am just like a moderator and administrator, and just kind of encouraging certain threads of discussion. But yeah, it really lives or dies by the strength of the people in there. I’m proud to say it’s like, it’s an awesome community. It’s like, if I wasn’t the administrator, I would absolutely pay to be a member. And I think maybe one thing we’ve done well, is it’s very focused on wealth building, it’s focused on investing on building businesses. We don’t, and we have some fun talking about what’s the best office chair to buy, or we just had a really fun conversation to avail Mont Blanc pens for signing below. But I think we’ve hit this sweet spot of like, what you might hope accompany slack chat would be, but the problem with the company slack chat is if you’re smart, you’re always looking over your shoulder, you’re worried about offending someone, you’re worried about office politics. So I think we’ve hit that sweet spot where it is focused on wealth building. But people aren’t so worried about office politics or political correctness, like they can be a little more honest. Because like, we don’t want just some crazy freewheeling community that devolves into argument about politics or this or that. But we also don’t want the super buttoned up looking over your shoulder office politics committee. So I think we found a nice sweet spot between those two things.
Adam Vazquez 34:24
Yeah. It’s really interesting because I think there’s a huge we’ve had multiple guests on this podcast talk about how different activations they’ve done, like one that comes to mind is a software company called tido. They’ve started hosting instead of hosting webinars or even doing like a podcast or traditional content play. They’ve started hosting in person dinners, they’ll fly into Austin or San Francisco or wherever, and bring together prospects from that city and have them meet each other and have a closed door. More discussion about what’s going on in the industry and what’s going on in those people’s business. And they said that it’s been insane to them how much more freely people are able to talk as opposed to talking online because they’re so used to having a careful curated voice online where once the doors are shut, and it’s a safe place, you can have this very vulnerable conversation. So it’s interesting to see that as a trend, overall, people definitely value that ability to be transparent and not have to overthink. Am I going to say something that is gonna get me backlash, or whatever, just because I’m expressing something that I’m experiencing or my opinion. So I think that’s interesting to keep tabs on.
Pine Baron 35:45
Yeah, I think you did a good job of describing my instincts here. And we would love to look at live events in the future. I think that’s a pretty heavy lift. So you have to see, wait ’till the community grows a bit more. But yeah, and I think we been able to capture some of that with our community, even though it is online because some people are on synonymously. Like me, some people aren’t under their real names. But I think the community is very respectful of what we say in that chat stays there. And people are pretty fearless about sharing both the good and the bad. Like saying, like, Hey, I worked with this, this guy off Twitter, and he did a great job, or, Hey, I worked with this company I found on social media, and they did a bad job. So stay away. But again, people may not feel as free saying that in a more public forum.
Adam Vazquez 36:39
Sure. Yeah, great. Well, Baron has been awesome getting to hear a little bit about your story. Thank you for sharing your insights with us. And with our community, if people want to follow up and either check out what you’re doing with Wealth Pin or just continue to read what you are publishing and thinking, where’s the best places for them to keep tabs on all the stuff that you’re doing?
Pine Baron 36:58
Yeah, so my main social media is my Twitter, @SpiritofPines. And then, my business partner is making some more content under our brand name, which is Wealth Pin. W-E-A-L-T-H, P-I-N. And then we’re really putting some effort into building up So that’s my plug.
Adam Vazquez 37:23
Awesome. Well, we will check out all those spots. And hopefully, we’ll run into you in the pines at some point. here over the next little while.
Pine Baron 37:33
Yeah. Shoot me a DM.
Carlton Riffel 37:35
And that’s a wrap. Thank you for listening to this episode of Content Is for Closers. We hope you find this show really helpful as you grow your business with content. Maybe you know of other people who would find this show helpful as well. How about you send them our way? If you didn’t like this show and you want to tell us that, then you can head over to where you can send us a message, give us some feedback, ask questions, or find detailed notes for every episode. Until next time, keep creating and keep closing.