In this episode, Adam and Carlton are joined by Dan Thompson, who works on SEO, PPC, and websites for SMB builders at Salt Water Digital. Dan talks about how to frame your content strategy, local businesses’ upper hand on franchises, and taking care of your own company’s outreach.
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Adam Vazquez 0:00
We are recording we are back with another episode of Content Is for Closers. If you noticed, we’re just diving right in. No boring background, no biography, no career journey in the intro this week. And that’s because we want to try something new. We need to keep it fresh. Keep it spicy around here. So instead of giving you the LinkedIn resume, I thought that we could try— Carlton, you’ve heard the episode. If you had to describe Dan in 30 seconds or less—or in such a way that someone could engage with him or else Dan will never make another sale the rest of his career (so his career depends on the description you’re about to give him)—how would you describe Dan to our audience?
Carlton Riffel 0:45
No pressure at all. So Dan is a digital marketer aficionado. So he’s been in the industry, I think, for about 12 years, is what he said. So he runs Salt Water Digital. It’s a digital agency that focuses on SEO, PPC. They do a lot of great work. But he really is known for his amazing Twitter. So I think if people want to engage with him, go to go to his Twitter and see what he’s writing.
Adam Vazquez 1:11
Yeah, he talks, he writes a lot about how to grow for small business owners, and especially kind of those— It’s become coined as “sweaty startups,” he works a lot with those types of companies and talks to those types of companies, just to add in a little bit of extra color. He, as you said, he runs all water digital, he focuses a lot on SEO, I think kind of his The reason I was so intrigued with him is he came from the FBA world of FBA, which is fulfilled by Amazon. So he’s one of these guys that built a career built companies really, as a pure to me, those are like pure marketers, they’re not working for agencies, they’re not taking on class, they’re just finding products that work. And then connecting those products to people who want them through Amazon. If you know anything about Amazon, it’s a very competitive place, it’s very difficult, it can be a very difficult place to stand out. And so if you’re able to just spin up these brands, like Dan has done, I think he was in the supplement space, again, extremely competitive, that just shows how gifted of a marketer you are. So we get into a little bit of that, but also talk, but also talk about what he’s doing now. Did anything stand out in particular to you from the conversation?
Carlton Riffel 2:25
Yeah, absolutely. If you have, I guess, two industries that are really hard and where you’re completely betting on yourself, it’s going to be affiliate marketing, and something like that FBA style where all the sales depend on you. Because if not, you’re not gonna see a dime. So he talks a little bit about his experience with that and how that transitions into some of the newer techniques. He’s not doing that anymore. But a lot of the same techniques and same marketing skills are used for the companies that he markets today.
Adam Vazquez 2:55
Yeah, excited to get into it. Before we do, as you all know, we love to read our five-star reviews. We’re at 73. Let me tell you, this has been a slower slog than I was expecting on the march to 100. I think we started this around, I can’t remember, maybe 60 or in the high 50s and we’re just marching to 100, but we’re at 73. Today’s is a five-star review. “Love this show,” is the title. “Adam has phenomenal combos with phenomenal guests to help you create phenomenal content.” Really like the phenom emphasis in this review. Appreciate that. If you leave a review, obviously, we will read it live on the show. You can talk about your business, you can pitch yourself, you can tell us how terrible we are, you can ask how many times it took us to record this intro. Anything you want and we will read it here on the show. But without further ado, let’s get into it with Dan Wolfe, aka Dan Thompson.
Intro 3:52
Put that content down. Content. The close is over. What’s your name? Content. That’s my name. You know why, mister? Because you drove a Hyundai to get here tonight. I drove an $80,000 BMW. That’s my name. Content Is for Closers.
Adam Vazquez 4:14
All right, we’re back and we have Dan Thompson of Salt Water Digital, hailing all the way from Calgary, Alberta. Dan, thanks for joining the show.
Dan Thompson 4:23
Yeah, appreciate you having me.
Adam Vazquez 4:24
We were talking pre-show. I have some experience in Calgary with previous work and loved it up there. I’m jealous. This is about to become like prime season up there, right? Weather wise.
Dan Thompson 4:36
It is. We’re just rolling into it now. The snow has finally melted so we’re into spring now and it’s always a good kind of four or five months here of summer and spring.
Adam Vazquez 4:47
Beautiful. Riverwalk is going to get busy. Stampede. Has that happened yet?
Dan Thompson 4:51
No. That’s July. It’ll be good. It’s been, shoot. I guess last couple of years have been obviously a bit of a downer for stampede for sure, really muted, but it’s always kind of a big event. It’s nice because it kind of brings out— You see people that you haven’t seen in like 10, 15 years because it brings everybody up from like if you’re 60 to like 20. It’s like the whole gamut. You go to the big tents and it’s always a good time.
Adam Vazquez 5:16
I always tell people Calgary is not what you would expect at all as an American coming into the city because it has this very kind, Canadian sense to it. But at the same time, it almost feels like you’re in like northern Texas— or Texas of the North, I should say, so it’s a fun mix. Loved all my time there and jealous that you get to enjoy it.
Dan Thompson 5:39
Yeah, that’s great.
Adam Vazquez 5:41
But Dan, so you have Salt Water Digital and I’d love to just start by hearing, how did you start that? What’s the mission? What do you all do? And kind of that story.
Dan Thompson 5:52
Yeah, so we got started 12 years ago, I guess? Well, that was kind of when we first kind of got started into digital marketing. So this was kind of pre-Salt Water Digital, but I was working oil and gas at the time. And I got laid off. And so at the same time, kind of just before I got laid off, I can see the writing on the wall, because things were starting to go south a little bit, I started kind of getting into building these affiliate sites. And so that was all kind of powered by SEO. And so that’s kind of how I cut my teeth. My business partner at the time was actually my best friend. He was working at a private school on Vancouver Island, which is gorgeous. And he was looking to do something else too. So we kind of started building affiliate sites together, that kind of led into doing some client work just because we felt like, wow, if we could do this, we could certainly help clients out. And then yeah, kind of we took a little bit of a detour for a few years there where we built a couple of FBA brands, built them up sold those brands and now we’re kind of back full time with the last couple of years here building up the agency, SEO, PPC, web builds all that kind of good stuff.
Adam Vazquez 6:54
Awesome. So your service roots come from a background as practitioner. Maybe for some of the youngbloods that didn’t live through that, what did your affiliate sites do? What’s that model?
Dan Thompson 7:07
Yeah, it’s changed a lot. They’re still out there. Obviously, you’ve heard of things like the wire cutter, which was a huge affiliate site that The New York Times bought, I can’t remember, I think it was 30 million as to what they sold that site for. And so there’s still a ton of them out there. There are still a lot of guys actually, even guys that I can that when I was building sites that I would connect with, that are still doing it and still doing really well on it. It’s just the models changed a little bit. It used to be the spin up these sites, you get them on Amazon, you do the Amazon affiliate route. But over time, just like with everything else, Amazon’s kind of cut their affiliate commissions. So used to be a lot higher. So now it’s like, if you from what I understand anyways, again, it’s been a while since we’ve built them, it’s less Amazon, for instance, I know, there’s a lot of pedophilia brands that were built for sites that were built, and you do things like chewy and these other sorts of sites that offer higher commissions and things of that nature now, so but yeah, it’s basically you spin up content, you push out a lot of content, you build links, and you drive traffic, and then you take that traffic and push it to affiliate sites.
Adam Vazquez 8:10
Yeah, so the essence being exactly as you just described. You had to learn that audience building, that traffic building skill. And I assume that had a lot to do with your ability to speak and act with SEO. And then FBA (Fulfilled By Amazon) just for anyone who actually needed, can you give that?
Dan Thompson 8:31
Yeah, so FBA, so the FBA is basically we built, there are a bunch of different ways to do it. You can either do that the model where you’re basically buying and reselling products. So there’s kind of like, there’s that model, there’s the private label or white label model, which is literally just going buy a supplement from some contract manufacturer, they stick a label on it, and they’re producing 10s, if not hundreds of 1,000s of that supplement. We went a little bit a different route, where we actually we worked with manufacturers to develop and build our own brand. And all our formulas were our own. And we worked with, actually a guy down in San Diego, who is he’s got a Ph.D. in food science. And so we basically worked with him to develop a bunch of ours are lines of supplements. Oh, wow. And so we built that up. And that was a really interesting experience because I think it gave us a lot of it just gave us a little bit of a different perspective on digital marketing. You kind of do it ourselves kind of seeing like, okay, like, this is what these businesses are going through. And actually, I think that one thing that maybe gets overlooked a little bit with FBA is a search engine. So Amazon’s a huge search engine. And so it actually translated really well, our experience in it with SEO and just kind of taking that and then bringing it out over to FBA and developing products and selling through Amazon.
Adam Vazquez 9:51
Yeah, that’s great. The people that I know that started either in affiliate or in ad arbitrage, there are a few niches that are great marketers because they came out of that. And because you just have to to survive, and certainly affiliate sites and FBA as part of that. So when you think about today’s marketplace and SMB owners who are trying to get attention and trying to drive transactions, but the model is obviously a lot different than when you were first starting affiliate sites. How do you advise them? Where do you point them to start when it comes to creating a content strategy? That could be via SEO or just even in a broad sense.
Dan Thompson 10:37
Yeah. And so this is one of the things I get, I think our backgrounds kind of helped us with is that we’ve like we’ve seen different kind of content strategies. It’s not just through SEO. We’ve done, whether it’s TikTok advertising or things like that, we’ve had some exposure to that through some of our other own projects. But I don’t know just kind of an interesting story from yesterday, I was talking to a guy and so he’s art. He’s about 30-35. And he was telling me that his dad during the pandemic, he was bored. And so he is dad runs a very niche tourism business. And so he got on YouTube, his dad was like 60 plus years old and he’s crushing it. Tourism’s picked up again, and his YouTube channels is he says, the biggest source thirdly agenda. And again, he went and figured it out at 60. So kind of inspires me a little bit. I feel like there’s just so much opportunity right now for business owners, small business owners, whether it’s through SEO, whether it’s through YouTube, whether it’s through Twitter, whatever it is, to kind of get on a platform, learn a platform, understand how that platform works, and kind of leverage it for your own business and business purposes.
Adam Vazquez 11:47
If we break down that a little bit or just drill into that, it sounds like step one is like finding the search engine. That’s, that’s relevant, whether that be YouTube, Amazon, Google, whatever that might be. What about in terms of building out a topic tree, or whatever you want to call it, how do you advise people to figure out what their audience is looking for?
Dan Thompson 12:10
Yeah, I think you can get a lot of that information just through search, just through looking through basically just the Google search tool. So there’s a bunch of tools out there. I personally use a tool called mangles, which is like it’s a paid tool. But it’s essentially, it’s giving you a Google search results in terms of how much volume there is and things of that nature. Again, there are obviously tons of different tools out there that do that type of thing. But you can very quickly begin to understand what your customers are searching for, what topics around know what specific questions, they’re asking how much volume there is, how competitive it is. And again, all those tools will give you kind of those metrics, whether they’ll give you all the search volumes, and also give you competitive is whether it’s angles or refs, or any of these types of cause difficulty tools. Yeah, well as Exactly. And so I think that’s kind of where we’ve always started, again, kind of back to the FBA thing, but that’s how we built our FBA business was we went looked at Google search volumes, we went and looked at Google search trends. And we said, like, look at this is starting to take off, this is getting really good volume, there are not that many products, and it’s the same thing, right for, for businesses, when they’re looking at whether you sell shoes, or if you’re selling plumbing services. It’s just about going in. The SMBs, it’s easier for because when you dive into those. It’s very specific. There might be 10 or 15 keywords that people are really searching in that area. And then it’s just a matter of figuring out, can I compete? What’s it going to take to compete, and making sure that your expectations are, are kind of in line with how much I’m going to spend, versus what we’re trying to get out of it?
Adam Vazquez 13:51
Yeah, that makes sense. So what about when you layer on top of it, the local component? For instance, I’ve talked about here before, we have a landscaping company that does really well digitally, but then when they zoom out or when they try to compare themselves to regional or certainly national players, it’s difficult, especially on a paid budget standpoint. They can’t compete with the True Greens of the world. How should someone like that (and doesn’t have to be a landscaping example) think about layering location with the specificity of their content in order to get an advantage? Or what’s some practical ways they can do that?
Dan Thompson 14:30
Yeah, so I think again, the first thing is like most of the SMBs. Like, yes, there might be a few national players, but you already start with a huge advantage. If you’re a local reach, like a local business, and you’re competing against some of these national businesses that maybe your franchise models or whatever it might be… And yeah, they have a lot more domain authority, they have a lot more clout in that regard, but because they’re not actually hyper-focused on that market that they’re serving, you have a fairly large upper hand on that, just to start with. So that’s kind of number one. And then on top of that, they’re not going to be willing to necessarily go after some of the keywords that are a lot smaller, that are again, maybe specific to and again, it can be through blog posts or service pages, like I get where we’re looking at, where we’re looking at SMBs, we’re trying to figure out what types of service pages, can we build out? What types of service areas can we build out. And that’s kind of our starting point. And typically, there are five to 10 pages that we can really build out and really leverage. And using kind of there, again, the local element comments, you can often perform some of these companies that are a lot larger that are maybe in that area, but they’re just not as hyper-focused on it. Maybe they’re GMP pages and actually isn’t specific to that area, whatever it might be. There are definitely a lot of benefits to being a small local company that you will definitely see versus kind of being a part of a franchise or a national player.
Adam Vazquez 16:02
GMP. Can you define that?
Dan Thompson 16:05
Right. So that’s a Google My Business page. So it’s essentially, like you said, it’s just that the local, it’s just a local page that you can set up for any local business can set them up. And that’s how you kind of rank and what would be considered like the map pack, which is those results that show up on the map that show you kind of the local results.
Adam Vazquez 16:23
Yeah. And obviously, if you’re listening to this and you don’t have your Google local listing, that is such an easy, simple way to get attention. But yeah, I think what you said there is really interesting, and something that I think can get overlooked in the sense that if you’re a landscaping company, you might go after the normal maintenance or hardscaping. Or these terms that are like your big moneymakers. But they’re also everyone else’s big moneymakers. So when you’re thinking through that mix, having a service like a fire and treatment or something that’s a little more specific, even if it’s not as traffic to your point, you can kind of own that and make that one of the pillars that you build a strategy around.
Dan Thompson 17:09
You nailed it. That’s exactly it. The advantage that you have for, again, if you’re doing a fire and treatment, in that specific market the big national players aren’t going to have a page for fire ads specific to a specific market, they might have one for the national stage, but they’re not going to necessarily write locally for that.
Adam Vazquez 17:31
Yeah, that’s such an advantage. We keep using that. It doesn’t have to be home services, but especially with home services, the locality is such an advantage over some national players that’s churning and burning through people.
Dan Thompson 17:44
And honestly, I think it’s, yes, the local side, like you said, but also, I think that also gets overlooked. We work with a lot of SMBs who are not local businesses, they’re shipping all across the country, or they’re providing a service of a very large region. And similar to local businesses, a lot of those national players aren’t going to go for some of those keywords that are a little bit small, that maybe won’t really move the needle for their business. But for a business that’s doing two or $3 million a year might actually make a difference even. And that’s another area where like, again, you can build out those specific pages—whether it’s a service page or a blog post, or wherever it might be—and those are often what ends up performing the best, from what we’ve seen. We’ve seen quite a few examples, we have an IVF company that we work with. And we’ve gotten hyper-specific around so many small topics. And we’ve seen their traffic explode from probably 15 to 20x, within sort of 12 months. And again, these are hyper-specific searches where the bigger players aren’t really going after those terms.
Adam Vazquez 18:51
The need state for a niche like that, like IVF, the relevancy of someone who’s searching for that, first of all, the intent is obviously off the charts, and then when they find something like that, even if it’s a fraction of a percentage of some other broader topic, the conversion is probably, I would imagine, pretty high as well.
Dan Thompson 19:11
Yeah, it is quite high. It’s a niche that requires a lot of touchpoints. Because it’s such a big decision, both financially and personally, that people obviously go through. So it’s like, you want to kind of be showing up like time and time again, no matter what questions they have, if your brand keeps showing up, that’s the best thing we can do in terms of moving them towards that conversion.
Adam Vazquez 19:36
What a great mental exercise, like if you even just pretending like you are IVF, and you have to provide that type level of information and customer service because almost everything else is going to be less.
Dan Thompson 19:49
Yeah, it’s true. It’s true.
Adam Vazquez 19:52
That’s a great model. You mentioned earlier, you’ve toyed with I think you said Snapchat or TikTok ads or something like that for your own business. What are some of the other maybe newer non-standard SEO or link-building content things that have you excited or that you’ve used for your business or for someone else’s and have seen good benefit with?
Dan Thompson 20:13
Yeah, YouTube. We’ve seen some of our clients get great results with YouTube, as I said that China was having yesterday like that that travel agency was like, I was blown away by that one. Definitely. TikTok in terms of e-commerce play, I think that’s kind of a well-known secret now. I wish I could take credit for it. We actually did. I can’t take credit for this. But one of our products on FBA, we went from selling 40 a day to about 400 a day. Yeah, from someone else’s TikTok video. And really, yeah, like, and it’s not like so we sold to a larger company. So were these aggregator-type plays. And again, so we have, we have some interesting information in terms of like how that’s playing out across the board. But it’s like, I can’t tell you how many times different brands have brought it up, they like our sales exploded on Amazon. And you do some digging, and you go and find that, oh, there’s this video of TikTok that went viral. So if you’re doing kind of like small e-commerce play, like that’s definitely like a super exciting niche or a platform, I should say. Obviously, for our own brand for Salt Water Digital, Twitter has been incredible for us. Like, that’s kind of where we’re where we started to focus on last six months. And again, like, it’s been surprisingly, we have a small following. We’re really small following and it’s converted a ton, I guess. The thing that gets me excited about content is I just think that there’s a channel for every business. Yeah. And then whether it’s SEO is YouTube, TikTok, Twitter, whatever it is, there’s a channel out there for your business. And the sooner that you can figure which channel that is, and kind of leverage that and really kind of dive and go all in on it, I think the better. And so I think that’s kind of, for me, when I look at from a content creation perspective, that’s kind of the most exciting thing that I see going forward. A lot of times, we think, oh, we’re late. Oh, this is saturated. Oh, this won’t work. Whatever. And I just think that lot of times is not true. There’s still so much room out there. And there are still so many eyeballs and opportunity for SMBs to leverage that.
Adam Vazquez 22:19
Yeah, we get that fear often as a company that produces podcasts or internet shows. Everybody has a podcast. But when you really actually look at, if you strip emotion out of it and just look at the data, not everybody has a podcast. Nowhere near everyone has a podcast, and consumption rates are continuing to grow with people who stick with podcasting, if you’re above seven episodes (which is very few podcasts). I would imagine that’s similar to the other executions.
Dan Thompson 22:49
Totally. I think you nailed it. It’s about, like, you have to get on the platform, you have to work at it. And you have to be consistent with it. And I think that for SMBs. And in particular, they have this tendency to just kind of jump from one thing to the next, or try to do them all. Like, “Oh, we’re gonna use social media manager to post on Twitter and Pinterest,” and they’re trying to do every single platform and they’re not doing any of them well. And to me, that’s like the biggest mistake that I see when I’m working with small businesses that are looking to kind of grow or even larger businesses to like, that are kind of still would be considered an SMB is like they don’t, they don’t necessarily have a great strategy laid out from day one. And then number two is they’re just trying to do too many of them, versus just trying to focus in on one and understanding like look, you have to spend a lot of hours somebody, whether it’s you or your team, or whoever it is, needs to spend a lot of time on that platform to understand and engage with it to understand how it works and to kind of grow the account.
Adam Vazquez 23:52
The rule we use is—it doesn’t mean it’s gonna take this long—but you have to be willing to do it for 18 months without seeing anything in order for that to be worth your investment. If you’re willing to do that and not see a dime, then you’ll probably be successful. If that seems too heavy, you’ll probably give up.
Dan Thompson 24:12
I like that time period to say 18 months and I think in my experience, it’s actually a lot shorter than that but kind of giving yourself like that like framework of like it’s gonna take this long so that when you start and you are literally getting zero from teh for the first two months, you’re not actually like no pressure. Oh, this is supposed to take 18 months and then like six months in, you’re like, oh my goodness, like this is starting to work.
Adam Vazquez 24:36
Hopefully sooner, hopefully it’s two months, but at least you have that marathon mindset. Two follow-ups on what you said earlier. The first was with the video that went viral, etc. Was that an influencer play or was that just someone actually organically using your product?
Dan Thompson 24:56
Just organically using honestly, it’s not even a good niche for that particular Should say it’s not a condition, it’s not the best niche for the for that we’re in for TikTok videos like it’s, again, that brand that we sold is it’s in the supplement space. And there are a lot more visually appealing products than what we show. And so it’s still, yeah, it was crazy. And like we could because you can see on Amazon, one of the things that you can actually get a glimpse of through our dashboard is like, you can see like this product was bought with this product. And so there are three products that this gal basically suggested. And all of them, like, I can’t, like I said all the way through the roof. And they were all they were being bought together at like an incredibly high clip, like 30 plus percent, which is washed. And it just goes to show like the power of how much influence, for lack of better word, that that person had, in terms of influencing the buyer decision, because they weren’t just going and buying one. They were buying all three, the whole stack.
Adam Vazquez 26:00
And then when it comes to Twitter, what have you found? Like, 100% hand up agree with your Twitter assessment. Our company account has like 120 followers or something meaningless. And a lot of our new leads come through Twitter, and it’s just mind-blowing to see how… It’s because the intense there, it’s the right context, etc. DMing, for us has been— That’s how I met you. This is what we do this is I love to get to know you a little bit. And that has extended across all of our partnerships, all of our client bases, all those sorts of things. Anything in specific stand out to you on Twitter that’s been helpful?
Dan Thompson 26:39
Oh, I know there are so many better people that are so much more qualified to talk about this, but that all handled again, like I feel like I’m such I’m so on such a basic level compared to some of the people that I’m interacting with on a daily basis and what they’re doing with their Twitter. Ultimately, it does come down to consistency. And it’s, again, kind of not to be cheesy, but it’s like it’s better to pick a niche early, and then kind of expand outwards as you grow than trying to. And that’s what I kind of did when I came on Twitter. Initially, I was kind of doing it all, a little bit of everything, and I still do a little bit just because that’s what I find interesting to write about. But yeah, the accounts I think I see that you see do the best are, they tend to be a little bit more specific, right from the get-go up. And they’re really driving one message home. And as I said, I think I could do so much better job of that what I’m doing in terms of both consistency, and also just being more dialed in terms of what I’m talking about and focusing on like I use Twitter a lot for, I love kind of engaging with some of the retweet guy or the real estate, Twitter guys, the S&P Guys, I kind of liked, like a lot of the different communities and so like a lot of my engagements kind of scattered, I guess for lack of better word. But I think if I was to, again, kind of assess my own downfalls there, it would be, I need to be a lot more specific in terms of talking about more marketing and SEO, and less about whatever I’m talking about and really just dialing more into kind of trying to stay focused and trying to stay more consistent.
Adam Vazquez 28:13
Listen, I’ll have six consecutive marketing tweets, and then the Sixers will blow a 3-nothing series lead to the Raptors and now I haven’t talked about business in days. I can’t even think about it. But I have to express myself. So it’s not reaching fire.
Dan Thompson 28:31
Yeah, but yeah, and actually, to back the consistency thing, one of the best things I did for my Twitter and this is gonna sound like a plug, but it’s not at all I have no affiliation with these guys. But I did the ship 30 for 30. Are you familar with that?
Adam Vazquez 28:42
Oh, yes. Dickie Bush.
Dan Thompson 28:44
Dickie Bush. Yeah, so anyway, I did that. And that was like, I was incredible for like getting me to write every day can read instantly. And again, like the growth in terms of those three months in terms of how effective my Twitter platform (I was on Twitter) was like through the roof I would say 30 days before that channel started and 30 days after that channel started in terms of just like doing every single day and you really see the results.
Adam Vazquez 29:13
That’s a great suggestion. We’ll link that below. I get their emails but I haven’t taken the course, and probably need to.
Dan Thompson 29:20
It’s great. I still actually talked to a guy. They set you up with kind of a partner, so to speak. An accountability partner. The guy they set me up with I still talk to every single every second week, so we could call it everything so yeah, no, it was a good course.
Adam Vazquez 29:36
Awesome. Well, Dan, really appreciate you coming on. Thanks for making time for us. Before I let you go, just two questions. The first is just, what’s got you excited? What are you looking forward to as we head into the summer months here? And then where can people keep up with all the work that you’re doing?
Dan Thompson 29:53
Yeah, so definitely Twitter @danthewolfe with an E on the end of “wolf,” and is our agency website. In terms of just what’s got me excited, as I said, I think the more that I’ve gotten into some of the content creation, both from helping brands with it and then also helping brands and businesses, I should say, with SEO and PPC, and then also our own Twitter, we’re just starting to lean a little bit more into our own ESEA. Which, that’s kind of a long-winded story. But basically, yeah, we’re starting to lean into that a little bit more as well. And so I just think that said, there’s kind of a channel for every single business out there. But I think like, the sooner you can figure out what that channel might be, and the sooner you kind of commit to it, the better off that your business is going to be. Because I think it can be an exponential source of growth. Yeah. And we’ve seen it across so many businesses, where it’s like, they find that channel, and they really start to lean into it and their business really, really takes off at that point. So, yeah, find your channel.
Adam Vazquez 30:53
That’s great advice. Totally hear you on taking care of your own company’s outreach and content. And somehow that always gets left for last, but it’s always last place. Through the forums and great notes. So Dan, again, appreciate you coming on. We’ll link all of those things below and hopefully talk to you soon.
Dan Thompson 31:12
Okay, thanks, Adam.
Carlton Riffel 31:13
And that’s a wrap. Thank you for listening to this episode of Content Is for Closers. We hope you find this show really helpful as you grow your business with content. Maybe you know of other people who would find this show helpful as well. How about you send them our way? If you didn’t like this show and you want to tell us that, then you can head over to where you can send us a message, give us some feedback, ask questions, or find detailed notes for every episode. Until next time, keep creating and keep closing.